Palisander, inlaying of several quality woods, feet in copper and electroplate metal, applications of silver copper, glass of luster effect, black paint. 193 cm high.
"Of all the artist who founded de Secession Kolo Moser was definitely one of the most daring, and who bothered the philistines the most during the first years of the Secession. Whenever reforms in the decorative arts where in order, in a persevering, bold and refined manner, Kolo Moser sprang to action with admirable skill. Endowed with an unusual instinct for the potential in raw materials, with enormous intelligence regarding the most adequate technical means of obtaining shapes, and at the same time master of a prodigious imagination, Kolo Moser created the best decorative objects and utensils to be found so far. (Arthur Roessler.)"
Scanned and quoted from the book "Art Nouveau" by Gabriele Fahr-Becker. Click image for 656 x 900 version.
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2 commentaires:
je cherche à recueillir des informations sur Koloman Moser et je me disais que peut-être vous auriez des sources à me proposer. Je recherche plus précisément des images, des photos de ses oeuvres.
Olá, Emilie. You could do a search and see if I have any more posts by this artist. I hope you find what you're looking for, have a nice day!
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