jeudi, octobre 05, 2006

Alphonse Mucha, Papier a Cigarettes Job ad, 1896 9

Alphonse Mucha, Papier a Cigarettes Job ad, 1896 8

Mouse-Kelly Rock Poster 7

Mouse-Kelly Rock Poster, originally uploaded by Gatochy.

Alphonse Mucha, Papier a Cigarettes Job ad, 1896 6

Alphonse Mucha, Papier a Cigarettes Job ad, 1896 5

Alphonse Mucha, Papier a Cigarettes Job ad, 1896 4

Alphonse Mucha, Job ad,1896 3

Alphonse Mucha., originally uploaded by Robbylovebeads76.

Alphonse Mucha, Job ad,1896 2

Alphonse Mucha., originally uploaded by Robbylovebeads76.

Alphonse Mucha, Job ad,1896 1

Alphonse Mucha., originally uploaded by Robbylovebeads76.

mercredi, octobre 04, 2006

Victor L. Huer, Journal des Dames et des Modes, Demi-Deuil, 1913

Fernand Simeon, Les Feuillets d'Art magazine, Verlaine Advertisement, 1919-20

Armand Vallée, Journal des Dames et des Modes, Toilette d'Après-Midi, 1914

Armand Vallée, Journal des Dames et des Modes, Robe pour Diner au Bois, 1913

Armand Vallée, La Guirlande, L'Heure du Bain, 1919-20

Etienne Drian, Journal des Dames et des Modes, Pagode, 1914

mardi, octobre 03, 2006

Alphonse Mucha, 6th Sokol Festival, 1912

Alphonse Mucha., originally uploaded by Robbylovebeads76.

Alphonse Mucha, Riverie, 1897

Alphonse Mucha., originally uploaded by Robbylovebeads76.

lundi, octobre 02, 2006

Etienne Drian, Journal des Dames et des Modes, Robe de Linon, 1913

Edouard Halouze, Les Feuillets d'Art, Mappin & Webb ad, 1919-20

Edouard Halouze, Les Feuillets d'Art, 1919

Thank you kindly, Miss

The Mary Frances Cookbook

"No date in this edition, but an AbeBooks entry gives a date of 1912, which looks right. Details of my copy are:

The Mary Frances Cook Book, or Adventures Among the Kitchen People. By Jane Eayre Fryer. Full page illustrations by Margaret G Hays. Other illustrations by Jane Allen Boyer. London: George G Harrap and Co., Ltd.

It might be a reprint of a US publication: John C Winston Co, Pa appears on the reverse of the title-page."

Happy October Everyone!!!!

"Title: Autumn.
Year: 1896.
Artist: Alphonse Mucha."

Alphonse Mucha.

Alphonse Mucha., originally uploaded by Robbylovebeads76.

Title: Moet & Chandon Cremant Imperial.
Year: 1899.

dimanche, octobre 01, 2006

Francesco Javier Gose, Journal des Dames et des Modes, Manteau du Soir en Satin Bleu, 1912

Found in Artophile.

Francesco Javier Gose, Gazette do Bon Ton, Au Revoir, 1912

Found in Artophile.

Francesco Javier Gose, Gazette do Bon Ton, Il a Été Prime, 1914

Found in Artophile.

Francesco Javier Gose, Gazette do Bon Ton, La Comédie est Terminée, 1912

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