Il y a 1 jour
Click image for 877 x 1294 size.
Anti-Germany propaganda.
Portuguese high-society ladies in Macao (an ex-colony of the Portuguese empire).
"When you change your place of residence, you change your horoscope! Find the meaning of new aspects to the angles (Ascendant, Midheaven, etc.), aspects to house rulers, house placements of rulers and stellia, and signs on the angles when you relocate".
Click image for 863 x 1303 size.
Ad for soap Heno de Pravia.
Click image for 893 x 1331 size.
M.elle Maria do Socorro Bastos, singer.
Click image for 881 x 1325 size.
Drawings possibly by Stuart Carvalhais, but I can't be sure, they're unsigned.