Click image for 700 x 811 size.
Photo by Benoliel. Scanned from the book by Marina Tavares Dias, "Lisboa Desaparecida, volume 4".
Il y a 1 jour
Click image for 700 x 811 size.
Photo by Benoliel. Scanned from the book by Marina Tavares Dias, "Lisboa Desaparecida, volume 4".
Click image for 744 x 1163 size.
4th. International Fighting Championship. In the pictures: world champion, Apollon, German champion, Roland, and Suiss champion, Emilio Deriaz.
Click image for 755 x 1143 size.
Ada da Cunha, a Portuguese female sculptor (photo by Vasques). The artist's studio (photo by Benoliel).
Click image for 721 x 1127 size.
Paris Grand Prix.
Thanks to Jorge for these images!
Illustration by Portuguese artist Manuel Gustavo Bordalo Pinheiro.
Click image for 998 x 1500 size.
The queen of Romania.