Scanned from the book Lisboa Desaparecida, volume 2, by Marina Tavares Dias. Click image for 1674 x 2334 size.
Shoes section.
vendredi, juin 19, 2009
Grandes Armazens do Chiado, Winter catalog, 1910 - 27
jeudi, juin 18, 2009
J. Alden Weir (1852-1919) with his wife Anna

Weir, J. Alden (1852-1919) with his wife Anna - Photographer and date unknown to me, originally uploaded by RasMarley.
"J. Alden Weir became one of the leading early American Impressionists. However, his art education began with training in the traditional basic styles and methods from his father. Throughout his career subject matter included landscape, still lifes, and portraits. Although his landscapes increasingly reflected his adoption of Impressionism, his portraits and still lifes remained more real."
mercredi, juin 17, 2009
Grandes Armazens do Chiado, Winter catalog, 1910 - 26
Scanned from the book Lisboa Desaparecida, volume 2, by Marina Tavares Dias. Click image for 959 x 1325 size.
Clothes for rainy weather: galoshes, coats, umbrellas, gloves...
mardi, juin 16, 2009
The Delineator, Coolene ad, October 1904
Grandes Armazens do Chiado, Winter catalog, 1910 - 25
Scanned from the book Lisboa Desaparecida, volume 2, by Marina Tavares Dias. Click image for 961 x 1330 size.
Merchant and taylor section: hats, coats, wools, suits...
dimanche, juin 14, 2009
Grandes Armazens do Chiado, Winter catalog, 1910 - 24
Click image for 950 x 1320 size. Scanned from the book Lisboa Desaparecida, volume 2, by Marina Tavares Dias.
Shirts for men.