From The Yellow Book, Vol. II.
Scanned from the book "Aubrey Beardsley, Imp of the Perverse" by Stanley Weintraub.
Click image for 584 x 811 size.
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From The Yellow Book, Vol. II.
Scanned from the book "Aubrey Beardsley, Imp of the Perverse" by Stanley Weintraub.
Click image for 584 x 811 size.
Click image for 875 x 1000 size.
Ave Atque Vale, Beardsley's "hail and farewell" to The Savoy as well as an illustration to his translation of Catullus.
Scanned from the book "Aubrey Beardsley, Imp of the Perverse" by Stanley Weintraub.
Click image for 807 x 1302 size.
Illustration to Justin Huntly McCarthy's poem "At a Distance," in A London Garland, edited by W. E. Henley with art by members of the Society of Illustrators.
Scanned from the book "Best Works of Aubrey Beardsley".
Click image for 1402 x 1409 size.
Click image for 1221 x 1625 size.
The Savoy, No. 8.
Scanned from the book "Best Works of Aubrey Beardsley".
Click image for 618 x 696 size.